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Claire Thayers & Associates

Doing good IS good for business

My colleagues and I firmly believe in the triple bottom line, take care of the people, the plant will equal profit!

Black and white image of Claire Thayers

…and never has there been a greater need, as a result of the Coronus Virus… the world will never be the same again!

I am passionate about ‘giving back’

There is a real need to embrace the new world, to embrace ESG/CSR and Social Value… adapt or be left behind!

We need to work together, across sectors and encouraging collaboration to make the world a better place, to embrace triple bottom line – take care of the planet and the people and you really can make your business more profitable as a result.


Embed these ethics into your culture, be authentic to help you win business and reduce risk, no longer a nice to have …a must have!

I have worked with amazing clients since I set up in 2012, as a result of the Social Value Act. I knew that I could help businesses to add value to their tenders through doing good but it has taken over a decade for people to realise the importance!

At last businesses realise that whatever the size, whatever the sector having an ESG/CSR strategy is important, wherever you are in a supply chain, can help you win business, (Social Value Act means that 20% of the marks consider your good work!) Many business benefits – 

  • To help with recruitment, younger generations want to work for authentic businesses with real values and ethics.
  • To help win clients and customers, as more and more people want to support ethical businesses and buy with a conscience and remain loyal
  • To help retain staff, and value your team, to avoid stress, and burnout and encourage  volunteering to improve health and wellbeing, improve team building, morale, learn new skills etc (and create positive content)
  • To embed these values at every level within the business to ensure consistent messaging and improve the culture.
  • To create feel good stories for PR and marketing, create a USP!
  • Creating strategic partnerships – put good at the heart of everything you do, and people want to work with you, B2B and B2C (create a fundraising fun event, and work with your stakeholders to develop those relationships)



With 15 years working in the world of packaging design, having worked with some of the countries leading brands, I’ve learnt that a brand is more than a pretty logo/packaging – its about the values and ethics that lie behind that image, and I also learnt from my days in marketing that really understanding your target market, understanding your brand values, and creating simple strong messaging and emotional connection will create a loyal customer base – be authentic!

I am passionate about giving back and supporting businesses and charities, encouraging collaboration. More businesses want to deliver their ESG/CSR but don’t know how and charities need to understand that rattling a bucket is not the solution, they need to understand a business and its needs, and create solutions to ensure long term partnerships, rather than businesses giving ‘go away money’.

I have created many projects that I am very proud of, from the Cornwall Food and Farming Awards,  Cornwall 100 Club that brought businesses together to create a philanthropic club for the Community Foundation and the  Large Enterprise Action Group for the county’s Chamber whilst living in Cornwall.

To the creation of Gloucestershire Forwards a networking event for Gloucester rugby to bring charities and business together to break down the silos, to the creation of the Association of Gloucestershire Business Groups to help our towns promote themselves and create a sustainable business model …but sadly both projects died as a result of Covid, but I hope to restart them!

I sit on the board of Cheltenham Chamber of Commerce and have been instrumental in setting up Together Gloucestershire, working with Cirencester Chamber and FSB. The idea behind this is that the big businesses are embracing the Social Value Act, they want to reduce their carbon footprint and they want to engage with local suppliers. Work in progress and happy to say that we are securing funding to create a directory to make it easy to find local suppliers, including social enterprises who can deliver good through the supply chain.

I am also a trustee of Gloucestershire Community Foundation (having worked for Cornwall Community Foundation ten years ago).

My clients have ranged from pharmaceuticals, Alumier, to Spirax Sarco Footsie 50 business, and Mid Counties Coop, to public sector Cheltenham Borough Council, Vale of Glamorgan Council, and the delivery of Visit Gloucestershire, for Glos County Council. I have helped membership groups with support and guidance, such as Rotary HQ, and local clubs. I have also supported numerous charities, including ITSA, and Glos VCS with talks, creative ideas.

I have a passion for Social Enterprise, having sat on the the board of Fifteen, Jamie Oliver’s restaurant in Cornwall, and went on to sit on the board of the School of Social Entrepreneurs and mentor and lecture for them and the West Midlands School. Businesses can deliver good through their supply chains which is often forgotten.

There is one consistent objective, to create long term partnerships that work for both the business and the charities, ensuring win win for all

I love to volunteer and have worked with so many exciting inspirational charities, CCP, Glos City Mission, Thoroughbred Rehabilitation Centre, to name but a few and I have had the pleasure of judging various awards in Glos and Cornwall over the years!

Finally, a hidden love of writing… I have written a regular articles for Cotswold Style magazine, ‘Claire in the Country’ – great fun but again, did not survive Covid sadly.


I love to listen to each business, to have a face to face, 1-2-1, to understand their barriers and challenges to enable me to create solutions, ie.

  • Create CSR/ESG strategies
  • To deliver existing strategies, building on contacts that I have from my various networks
  • Help build in Social Value into your tenders to win business
  • Volunteering – this can help with staff morale, team building, learning new skills, health and wellbeing
  • Running workshops
  • Chairing conferences and panels (Glos Business Show, University of Glos, Hartpury, Three Counties Visitor Economy conference etc)
  • Giving talks to inspire and to embed values and ethics into the culture of your business
  • Event management


    I focus my work in the three counties area, but have projects across the UK.


    Happy to give a free one hour consultation via teams to enable me to listen to your challenges, be that a charity or a business to enable me to create a proposal, to identify objectives and create a strategy.

    Many people think that this is an expensive task, but at £300 a day, the return on investment can be tenfold.